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Welcome to ReVision Exhibitions

You can find described videos of ReVision Arts'
most recent shows below.

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Together, breaking Barriers


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Please Touch: Together, Breaking Barriers

ReVision Exhibitions
1930’s Orange Silk dress - Taproot Theatre’s production of Jeeves Takes a Bow
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1930’s Orange Silk dress - Taproot Theatre’s production of Jeeves Takes a Bow

1930’s Orange Silk dress - Taproot Theatre’s production of Jeeves Takes a Bow

Play Video
Vinyl coat with Skull epaulets and Vest - 5th Avenue

Vinyl coat with Skull epaulets and Vest - 5th Avenue

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15th Century Doublet - Seattle Opera’s production of “Falstaff”

15th Century Doublet - Seattle Opera’s production of “Falstaff”

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Stone Vessel - Thomas Haddy

Stone Vessel - Thomas Haddy

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Individual Works
1930's Orange Silk Dress
TapRoot Theatre
Vinyl Coat With Skull epaulets and Vest
5th Avenue
15th Century Doublet
Seattle Opera
Stone Vessel
Thomas Haddy
Covid Kid
Patti O
Reverence: Taking a Knee
Sue Springer
Standing Up For Myself: Hope and Gratitude
Sue Sprinter
Jim Ayala
The Siren
Jim Ayala
The Dream
Jim Ayala
Tristan Heberlein
Change Your Mind
Tristan Heberlein
Megan Leah Gottfried
Old Man
Juan Gimelli
Tangerine Visions With Beige Garden Sweater
Emily Counts
Dress Up As Yourself: Rabbit
Debra Broz
Rabbit Rhinoceros
Debra Broz
Megan Prince
A People of Harmony and Loyalty
Megan Prince
Blue Jeans
Patti Curtis
Prosperity in White
Terry Richardson
Bird On a Rock
Shelli Markee
This is Remnants
Leah Garrard
Queen Anne Hill
Karen Abel